SC: Inmate killed at Richland jail by other inmates, sheriff says many cells don’t lock

Source: 2/3/23

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott says five inmates are responsible for attacking and killing another inmate inside the county jail last week.

Lott held a news conference Friday where he gave new details in the death of 29-year-old Antonious Randolph. Randolph was found unresponsive inside a cell at the jail on January  27, six days after his arrested on sexual assault and kidnapping charges. 

Lott said five inmates–including two who were there on charges of murder–schemed and plotted an attack on Randolph with the intent to kill him. Around 8 p.m. on January 26, officers say they carried out the assault. Richland County Coroner Naida Rutherford, who joined Lott at the news conference, would not say exactly how Randolph died but both she and the sheriff said the death was brutal. 

“They tortured him, they killed him,” Lott said. 

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My heart goes out to Mr. Randolph his family and loved ones. May you, the ones you loved and loved you find peace.

More, “Lynch mob by proxy”? Another facilitated murder? Did these jailers set this man up to be attacked, or did they just allow for it through genuine incompetence? Either way, Mr. Randolph had been brutally murdered, and the Sheriff’s and the State will try to avoid as much responsibility for that as possible. All along the way, they will sing their lies about how this system does not promote, encourage and facilitate vigilante violence. Nothing will ever get the to change that lie.

Facilitated or allowed for through incompetence, the State is responsible for this…along with those that committed this senseless act of savagery. I would hope that Justice will come for Mr. Randolph,but there is little hope for that. Some, perhaps all, of those that actually perpetrated this may be convicted and sentenced…the jailors….little to nothing. Perhaps the County or State pays a settlement…that’s all.

A sum of money, paid by others, for what could be murder…because they wear badges.

“Just days before his death, Sheriff Lott had held a press conference calling Randolph a serial rapist. He said he was responsible for multiple sexual assault that he committed but using “It was bad on what he had done, but it was also equally bad what had happened to him,” Lott said. “

Sheriff, alleged sexual assault is not “equally bad” to murder. While this man is 6 feet under, those women will live to see another day

Too many things wrong here. First, had the guy already been convicted? If not, the sheriff had no business holding a press conference calling him a serial rapist. Last I knew, a person is considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. I’ve known a few people who were arrested but were found not guilty because they really were innocent. Just because someone was arrested does not mean they’re guilty.
Second, many of the cell doors do not lock? Why not? Why weren’t they ever repaired? Is the sheriff spending too much money doing BS stings instead of making sure his jail is secure? If a door to my house won’t lock, you can guarantee I’ll get it repaired immediately. There’s no excuse for that.
I’m not going to judge the guy on whether he was guilty or not. Its not my place and I don’t know the facts, but I hope the individuals responsible for his murder are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

So the jail has cells that do not lock, the sheriff made a public statement about the the individual And then seems to be shocked when the individual has been killed. I’m sorry, but the blood is on his hands, he is responsible he should be fired and he tried at end of the day. The watch falls on him and he maintained an improperly holding facility. He was not sentenced to jailhouse justice, he wasn’t even allowed to be afforded a trial before the mob spoke lead by the sheriff voice.

Last edited 2 years ago by Eugene V. Debs

Either that was an un edited story or that outlet hired illiterate reporters.

What you want to bet that Mr. Randolph and his killers were both placed in cells that do not lock. Cells the jail KNEW would not lock.

Well what can i say, One time on my way to court, A Riverside county sheriffs put me in “General Population” with a blue band on, 5 minutes later she came running back and snatched me out and said, Why didn’t u say anything, you almost got killed.

I feel horrible about this person that did not even get he days in court , also anyone who cared about him he is the victim. and we will never know about any real facts about his accusers case , because half of the story was murdered! Sheriff dip shit should have to share the fate of the murders, they could all be buddies in prison for life , it was planed for sure , I can’t even say what I am thinking I to angry , stinking cowards